The first olive that is gathered after the autumn is that
known as the "posia,"[1] the berry of which, owing to a vicious
method of cultivation, and not any fault on the part of Nature, has the most flesh upon it. Next to this is the orchites,
which contains the greatest quantity of oil, and then, after
that, the radius. As these are of a peculiarly delicate nature,
the heat very rapidly takes effect upon them, and the amurca
they contain causes them to fall. On the other hand, the
gathering of the tough, hard-skinned olive is put off so late as
the month of March, it being well able to resist the effects of
moisture, and, consequently, very small. Those varieties known
as the Licinian, the Cominian, the Contian, and the Sergian,
by the Sabines called the "royal"[2] olive, do not turn black
before the west winds prevail, or, in other words, before the
sixth day before[3] the ides of February. At this period it is
generally thought that they begin to ripen, and as a most excellent oil is extracted from them, experience would seem to
give its support to a theory which, in reality, is altogether
wrong. The growers say that in the same degree that cold
diminishes the oil, the ripeness of the berry augments it;
whereas, in reality, the goodness of the oil is owing, not to
the period at which the olives are gathered, but to the natural
properties of this peculiarvariety, in which the oil is remarkably slow in turning to amurca.
A similar error, too, is committed by those who keep the
olives, when gathered, upon a layer of boards, and do not
press the fruit till it has thrown out a sweat; it being the
fact that every hour lost tends to diminish the oil and increase
the amurca: the consequence is, that, according to the ordinary computation, a modius of olives yields no more than six
pounds of oil. No one, however, ever takes account of the
quantity of amurca to ascertain, in reference to the same
kind of berry, to what extent it increases daily in amount.
Then, again, it is a very general error[4] among practical persons to suppose that the oil increases proportionably to the
increased size of the berry; and more particularly so when it
is so clearly proved that such is not the case, with reference to
the variety known as the royal olive, by some called majorina,
and by others phaulia;[5] this berry being of the very largest
size, and yet yielding a minimum of juice. In Egypt,[6] too,
the berries, which are remarkably meaty, are found to produce
but very little oil; while those of Decapolis, in Syria, are so
extremely small, that they are no bigger than a caper; and
yet they are highly esteemed for their flesh.[7] It is for this
reason that the olives from the parts beyond sea are preferred
for table to those of Italy, though, at the same time, they are
very inferior to them for making oil.
In Italy, those of Picenum and of Sidicina[8] are considered
the best for table. These are kept apart from the others and
steeped in salt, after which, like other olives, they are put in
amurca, or else boiled wine; indeed, some of them are left to
float solely in their own oil,[9] without any adventitious mode
of preparation, and are then known as colymbades: sometimes
the berry is crushed, and then seasoned with green herbs to
flavour it. Even in an unripe state the olive is rendered fit
for eating by being sprinkled with boiling water; it is quite
surprising, too, how readily it will imbibe sweet juices, and
retain an adventitious flavour from foreign substances. With
this fruit, as with the grape, there are purple[10] varieties, and
the posia is of a complexion approaching to black. Besides
those already mentioned, there are the superba[11] and a remarkably luscious kind, which dries of itself, and is even sweeter
than the raisin: this last variety is extremely rare, and is to
be found in Africa and in the vicinity of Emerita[12] in Lusi-
The oil of the olive is prevented from getting[13] thick and
rancid by the admixture of salt. By making an incision in
the bark of the tree, an aromatic odour may be imparted[14] to
the oil. Any other mode of seasoning, such, for instance, as
those used with reference to wine, is not at all gratifying to
the palate; nor do we find so many varieties in oil as there
are in the produce of the grape, there being, in general, but
three different degrees of goodness. In fine oil the odour is
more penetrating, but even in the very best it is but short-
1. More commonly spelt "pausia."
2. "Regia." It is impossible to identify these varieties.
3. 8th of February.
4. This assertion of Pliny is not generally true. The large olives of
Spain yield oil very plentifully.
5. Probably a member of the variety known to naturalists as the Olea
fructu majori, carne crassâ, of Tournefort, the royal olive or "triparde" of
the French. The name is thought to be from the Greek fa=ulos, the
fruit being considered valueless from its paucity of oil.
6. There are but few olive-trees in either Egypt or Decapolis at the
present day, and no attempts are made to extract oil from them.
7. "Carnis." He gives this name to the solid part, or pericarp.
8. See B. iii. c. 9.
9. These methods are not now adopted for preserving the olive. The
fruit are first washed in an alkaline solution, and then placed in salt and
water. The colymbas was so called from kolumba/w, "to swim," in its
own oil, namely. Dioscorides descants on the medicinal properties of the
colymbades. B. i. c. 140.
10. There are several varieties known of this colour, and more particularly
the fruit of the Olea atro-rubens of Gouan.
11. The Spanish olive, Hardouin says. Fée thinks that the name "superba," "haughty," is given figuratively, as meaning rough and austere.
12. The olives of the present Merida, in Spain, are of a rough, disagree-
able flavour.
13. This seems to be the meaning of "pinguis;" but, as Fée observes,
salt would have no such effect as here stated, but would impart a disagree.
able flavour to the oil.
14. Fée regards this assertion as quite fabulous.